Thanks for your help.
I wrote a macro see below. The problem is it only prints in black and
white and I need color.
Any ideas !!!
Sub Brian()
' PrintPDF2 Macro
' Macro recorded 12/16/2003 by bjstruch
Dim PSFileName As String
Dim PDFFileName As String
Dim DistillerCall As String
Dim ReturnValue As Variant
'Local folder to hold PSFileName and PDFFileName
PSFileName = "C:\temp\Brian.PS"
PDFFileName = "C:\temp\Brian.PDF"
'If exist then delete
If Dir(PSFileName) <> "" Then Kill (PSFileName)
If Dir(PDFFileName) <> "" Then Kill (PDFFileName)
SendKeys PSFileName & "{ENTER}", False
'This is where you set the active area
Application.Goto Reference:="TBLBDGR"
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$M$75:$S$131"
ActiveSheet.PrintOut , printtofile:=True
'Add " " to file names [Chr(34) = "]
PSFileName = Chr(34) & PSFileName & Chr(34)
PDFFileName = Chr(34) & PDFFileName & Chr(34)
'Call .exe to writ PS file to PDF format
DistillerCall = "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat
5.0\Distillr\Acrodist.exe" & _
" /n /q /c" & PDFFileName & " " & PSFileName
'" /n /q /o"
'If the application doesn't open correctly let us know about it
ReturnValue = Shell(DistillerCall, vbNormalFocus)
If ReturnValue = 0 Then MsgBox "Creation of" & PDFFileName & "failed."
End Sub