Excel Excel Macro

Jan 19, 2011
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I am new to macros. I have a excel spreadsheet for technical assistance. There are sheets for various sites and there is a summary sheet. There are columns asking for the date of request and the date of resolution. If there is a date of request and a date of resolution it means the issue was solved but if there is no date of resolution it means the issue was not resolved. The total number of resolved and unresolved have to be then entered in the summary sheet. I have this macro so far but I keep getting out of range error. Please help.

Sub Macro()
Dim R As Long
Dim S As Long


If IsDate(Cell) = True Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
If IsDate(Cell) = True Then
R = R + 1 'resolved issues
S = S + 1 'unresolved issues

End If
End If

Sheets("Summary").Range("B9").Activate 'go to first sheet

Range("B9").Value = R
Range("B10").Value = S


End Sub
After posting the last message I was able to get the macro to go past the subscript errors but the macro is not calculating the value of R and S correctly...PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!