Excel macro using email - Security warning from Outlook

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andre Croteau
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Andre Croteau


I have been using an Excel macro that automatically sends distinct data by
email to 100 different vendors, one after the other.

Recently, there is a message that pops up:

A program is trying to automatically send an email on your behalf. Do you
want to allow this? YES NO HELP

Is there a way to disable this question? Or else, this means I have to stay
in front of my computer , and answer YES a hundred times.

I have Excel 2000 & Outlook 2000

Thank you

I would have thought that this always showed up? It is there to stop
the spread of viruses and cannot be bypassed within Excel VBA.
There is another (not usually installed) library that does allow mails
without warnings, but I forget the name (CDO rings a bell?). This might
require a bit of recoding of your macro.
If your users are all getting the same message you could put all of
them in the same address field and post once?
Hi Paul,

The computer I use at work has the message of the restriction. The computer
I have at home does not have that restriction (maybe I should update with
the recent security patches ...)

The macro in question manipulates data and sends distinct meassages to
distinct vendors. The problem is that it stops the macro to ask that
question for each of the emails to be sent. I need to stay in front of the
computer and click YES a hundred times.

I will investigate the "CDO library" you mentioned.



I would have thought that this always showed up? It is there to stop
the spread of viruses and cannot be bypassed within Excel VBA.
There is another (not usually installed) library that does allow mails
without warnings, but I forget the name (CDO rings a bell?). This might
require a bit of recoding of your macro.
If your users are all getting the same message you could put all of
them in the same address field and post once?
Just change coding from



Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"))
Application.SendKeys keys:="%S", Wait:=True

It display the e-mail you going to send for 5 sec and then send it automatically. You also change the time of display from 5 to your prefrence. Just change
