Excel Macro Help

Sep 6, 2008
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Hi all,

I am new to VBA in excel and have written the following code =
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strtDate As Date, fnshDate As Date
Dim n As Integer
strtDate = DateValue(Now)
fnshDate = DateValue("Mar 22,2010")
n = DateDiff("d", strtDate, fnshDate)
MsgBox n
Msg = MsgBox("Do you want to Transfer the Answer?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "SumMsgBox")
End Sub

I was hoping that someone could help me?

I am trying to get the answer from the Message Box transfered into a cell in Excel say A15 and everytime the button is pressed it moves down a line


I am trying to get it to add the date that the button was pressed in say B15.

Hope someone can help?

If this is not possible could someone sugest another way?

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Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strtDate As Date, fnshDate As Date
Dim n As Integer

strtDate = DateValue(Now)
fnshDate = DateValue("Mar 22,2010")
n = DateDiff("d", strtDate, fnshDate)

'if user choose YES then enter date in cell in column A and row, which is actually selected
If MsgBox(n & vbcr & vbcr & "Do you want to Transfer the Answer?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "SumMsgBox") = vbYes Then Thisworkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row) = n

End Sub
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Re: Macro Help


Thanks for your help, but by any chance do you know of a way to get it to transfer the date the button was pressed into column B.

Thanks again

The better way is to write own function.

1. Open VBE window -> ALT+F11
2. Insert Module (menu Insert -> module)
3. Copy function:
Option Explicit 'declare variants

Function GetDateDiff(dStartDate As Date, dEndDate As Date) As Integer
GetDateDiff = DateDiff("d", dStartDate, dEndDate)
End Function
4. In Sheet1 enter the fallowing values/formulas (you will recognize formulas by "=")
A1 -> =TODAY()
B1 -> date, for example: Mar 22,2010
C1 -> =GetDateDiff(A1;B1)
5. Save you work