Hi All,
I've made a couple of macros which are giving me errors and I just
cannot figure out how to get rid of these. Hope anybody here can help
I'm getting the following errors:
- Excel is Waiting for another Application to complete OLE Action
Have tried the suggestion from
but it still displays the error message for me.
- Method delete of class picture cannot be found
Have tried the suggestion from
but it still displays the error message for me.
So, basically I'm starting to think I'm implementing the solutions
Here is part of my VBA: (Alt-F11 --> VBAProject (Macro-menu.xls) -->
Modules --> Module1
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function CoRegisterMessageFilter Lib
"OLE32.DLL" (ByVal lFilterIn As Long, ByRef lPreviousFilter) As Long
Sub CPO()
'Hide OLE blocked process message box & disable events
'On Error Resume Next
Dim lMsgFilter As Long
CoRegisterMessageFilter 0&, lMsgFilter
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Prepare objects
Dim xlApp As Object: Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.Visible = True: xlApp.Interactive = True
xlApp.Application.Workbooks.Open sPathJet
'--> XLA add-in
Dim oDist: Set oDist = CreateObject("PdfDistiller.PdfDistiller")
'--> Using one CreateObject statement, found elsewhere this might
cause a problem
'Open CPO file and update
xlApp.Application.Workbooks.Open sPathCpo
xlApp.Application.Run Dir(sPathJet) & "!JetMenu", "Report"
'--> The error occurs usually while Jet is updating its report
(sometimes lasting over two hours), but with unpredictable intervals/
not at reproducible moments
oDist.FileToPdf sFilename & ".ps", sFilename & ".pdf", ""
'--> Using an often-suggested PDF-conversion statement
MyWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
'Restore OLE blocked process message box & enable events
CoRegisterMessageFilter lMsgFilter, lMsgFilter
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
I've made a couple of macros which are giving me errors and I just
cannot figure out how to get rid of these. Hope anybody here can help
I'm getting the following errors:
- Excel is Waiting for another Application to complete OLE Action
Have tried the suggestion from
but it still displays the error message for me.
- Method delete of class picture cannot be found
Have tried the suggestion from
but it still displays the error message for me.
So, basically I'm starting to think I'm implementing the solutions
Here is part of my VBA: (Alt-F11 --> VBAProject (Macro-menu.xls) -->
Modules --> Module1
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function CoRegisterMessageFilter Lib
"OLE32.DLL" (ByVal lFilterIn As Long, ByRef lPreviousFilter) As Long
Sub CPO()
'Hide OLE blocked process message box & disable events
'On Error Resume Next
Dim lMsgFilter As Long
CoRegisterMessageFilter 0&, lMsgFilter
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Prepare objects
Dim xlApp As Object: Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.Visible = True: xlApp.Interactive = True
xlApp.Application.Workbooks.Open sPathJet
'--> XLA add-in
Dim oDist: Set oDist = CreateObject("PdfDistiller.PdfDistiller")
'--> Using one CreateObject statement, found elsewhere this might
cause a problem
'Open CPO file and update
xlApp.Application.Workbooks.Open sPathCpo
xlApp.Application.Run Dir(sPathJet) & "!JetMenu", "Report"
'--> The error occurs usually while Jet is updating its report
(sometimes lasting over two hours), but with unpredictable intervals/
not at reproducible moments
oDist.FileToPdf sFilename & ".ps", sFilename & ".pdf", ""
'--> Using an often-suggested PDF-conversion statement
MyWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
'Restore OLE blocked process message box & enable events
CoRegisterMessageFilter lMsgFilter, lMsgFilter
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub