excel is only sorting some columns - please help




I have a database of contact info we need to use for a mass mailing. I'm
trying to sort it by address so I can delete the entries that we don't have
addresses for. However, when I select a cell in the "Address" column and hit
the sort button, it doesn't sort the first three colums, so the data is all
messed up. I can tell this is the case because the first three columns stay
the same, while the rest of the columns are sorted according to address.

I tried using smart filters and the same thing happens. I tried selecting
all columns and the same thing happens. If I choose a cell in one of the
first three columns then it will sort all data including those columns, but
if its the 4th 5th 6th etc column then the first three are ignored and not

If anyone knows how I can get Excel to sort ALL the data that would be a
great help. Thanks!


Gord Dibben

Don't let Excel guess.

Select all the columns in your data range before sorting on the address column.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Gord Dibben

Could you post a few columns and rows of your data for us to peruse.

Don't post a file unless you want to use one of the Internet sites.

Use either of the 2 free filehosts below to upload a sample of your actual
(Desensitize it first, if needed). Then copy & paste the generated link to
your sample file in response here:




Hi Dan,

If I understand your post correctly, I think you need to select all the
columns you need to sort, then click on "DATA", then SORT BY.........follow
the prompts. That should do the trick for you. Take care.


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