Excel is multi threaded program? thanks



But why when I checked the number of threads of Excel in Windows Task
Manager. The Processes tab can show threads information about the
running on computer by selecting thread count in view option. And it
Excel is a process with multiple threads. ?? thanks again


maplemaple said:
But why when I checked the number of threads of Excel in Windows Task
Manager. The Processes tab can show threads information about the
running on computer by selecting thread count in view option. And it
Excel is a process with multiple threads. ?? thanks again

Wouldn't being event-driven virtually require being multi-threaded? I
would guess you would need at least one monitoring thread. Calculation
and screen-updating seem to take place in different threads sice the
screen seems to update *while* calculation is going on - but this may
be an illusion.


Bill Martin

scattered said:
Wouldn't being event-driven virtually require being multi-threaded? I
would guess you would need at least one monitoring thread. Calculation
and screen-updating seem to take place in different threads sice the
screen seems to update *while* calculation is going on - but this may
be an illusion.



I have no idea whether Excel is multi-threaded or not. I do know however that
tons of event driven code has been build on single thread systems using
interrupts -- either hardware or software interrupts. Multi-threaded and event
driven can be two independent issues.



I tried many operations and checked the threads they used by tracing thread
object in performance console. When one operation executed, only one tread
shows activity and others show nothing. then that means that Excel is
single thread systems using interrupts ? But why in Windows Task Manager. The
Processes tab shows that there are more than one threads in Excel?

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