First, you seem a bit lost, because you posted your own similar
thread in another newsgroup, and received a reply to your
question there. You couldn't be bothered to reply to the person
who tried to help you, yet you are now here spewing your BS into
someone else's thread?
Second, your tirade is misdirected. Like most of the people who
answer questions in these newsgroups, I'm a MS Office user who
volunteers time here trying to help other fellow MS Office users.
I don't work for Microsoft, and I didn't do a damned thing to
your computer, so you can FOAD if you don't like my suggestion,
which was not addressed to you to begin with. And did you pull
the "20 million users" statistic out of the same orifice where
your head is obviously lodged?
Third, for people who aren't comfortable with editing the
registry, at least two websites mentioned elsewhere in these
newsgroups offer free downloadable scripts that will
automatically perform the registry modification described in
KB918165. As far as registry modifications go, this one is about
as easy as they get: one key, one value. If you prefer to hire a
professional, that's YOUR decision.