Excel included in MS Office Word 2003?



On the back of the box that my MS Office Word (STE) disc came in, it shows
that Excel should be included as part of the package. A couple questions:
1) Should I have gotten Excel with this purchase?
2) Is Excel the program I need to open .XLS files?
3) If I download Excel Viewer 2003 from this website, will I be able to read
..XLS files?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, Excel should be included, though it's possible you didn't install it.
Yes, it is what is needed to open .XLS files. Yes, the Excel viewer will
permit you to view and print (but not edit) the files, but if you install
Excel (which you already own), you'll be able to edit them.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Just a wee bit of clarification. Excel is not part of Word. It is a separate
program that is included in the Students and Teachers Edition.


Thanks Suzanne. I just re-installed the complete Word CD a couple of hours
ago and still can't seem to find Excel anywhere. I may be doing something
wrong but the word processor program is working fine. I'll try one more
installation - maybe I missed something. If that doesn't work I'll download
the Excel viewer since all I really need to do is read price lists sent as
XLS files. Thanks again!

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Do you just have Word or do you have Office? If all you have is Word, then
you do not have Excel.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]


Hi JoAnn
What I have is a retail box of MS Word 2003 for Students and Teachers. When
I re-installed, I checked every application and Excel, PowerPoint, and
Outlook are nowhere to be found.

I do have a question on the Excel Viewer download - when I tried to
run/install the program, I got an error message that installation could not
be completed because xlviewer.cab file is missing. Any help on this one??

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Now I'm confused. I've never seen Word for Students and Teachers. What I
have seen is Office for Students and Teachers. Please double check what your
CD says.


Full title - Microsoft Office Word 2003 for Students and Teachers.

Do you know why I would get the message that the xlviewer.cab file is
missing when I try to install the Excel Viewer?

JoAnn Paules said:
Now I'm confused. I've never seen Word for Students and Teachers. What I
have seen is Office for Students and Teachers. Please double check what your
CD says.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

CoraDory said:
Hi JoAnn
What I have is a retail box of MS Word 2003 for Students and Teachers.
I re-installed, I checked every application and Excel, PowerPoint, and
Outlook are nowhere to be found.

I do have a question on the Excel Viewer download - when I tried to
run/install the program, I got an error message that installation could
be completed because xlviewer.cab file is missing. Any help on this one??

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Okay........... Is that the ONLY CD to that software? I'm asking because
I've never seen Word for Students and Teacher but I have seen Office for
Students and Teachers.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

CoraDory said:
Full title - Microsoft Office Word 2003 for Students and Teachers.

Do you know why I would get the message that the xlviewer.cab file is
missing when I try to install the Excel Viewer?

JoAnn Paules said:
Now I'm confused. I've never seen Word for Students and Teachers. What I
have seen is Office for Students and Teachers. Please double check what
CD says.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

CoraDory said:
Hi JoAnn
What I have is a retail box of MS Word 2003 for Students and Teachers.
I re-installed, I checked every application and Excel, PowerPoint, and
Outlook are nowhere to be found.

I do have a question on the Excel Viewer download - when I tried to
run/install the program, I got an error message that installation could
be completed because xlviewer.cab file is missing. Any help on this

JoAnn Paules [MVP]


Seems crazy to pay $120 for Word alone when you can get Word, Excel,
PowerPoint and Outlook for $110.

It's a just a wee bit more that Amazon but you'd be dealing with the same

I would *strongly* recommend that you consider exchanging that for the
Office version if you need Excel.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Agreed, I was assuming it was the Office STE--didn't even notice the
reference to Word alone.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

JoAnn Paules said:
Now I'm confused. I've never seen Word for Students and Teachers. What I
have seen is Office for Students and Teachers. Please double check what your
CD says.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

CoraDory said:
Hi JoAnn
What I have is a retail box of MS Word 2003 for Students and Teachers.
I re-installed, I checked every application and Excel, PowerPoint, and
Outlook are nowhere to be found.

I do have a question on the Excel Viewer download - when I tried to
run/install the program, I got an error message that installation could
be completed because xlviewer.cab file is missing. Any help on this one??

Suzanne S. Barnhill

My error. If all you have is Word, then all you have is Word. Like JoAnn,
I'd never heard of a Student and Teacher Edition of just Word; I was
assuming you had Office STE.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Apparently MS is offering the programs separately. And unfortunately people
don't realize that they can buy them together cheaper.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

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