I'm trying to us a string of 'if' statements to solve a computation fo
a employee pay program. The employee is paid a commission on th
number of hours work they sell. The pay is on a sliding scale. $.1
per hour for the first 1000 hours, $.08 per hr. for hours between 100
- 2000, $.07 per hr. for hrs. between 2001 - 3000 and so on. The tota
number of hours are entered into one cell and I'd like to compute hi
commission using a simgle computation. any ideas? Thanks for an
a employee pay program. The employee is paid a commission on th
number of hours work they sell. The pay is on a sliding scale. $.1
per hour for the first 1000 hours, $.08 per hr. for hours between 100
- 2000, $.07 per hr. for hrs. between 2001 - 3000 and so on. The tota
number of hours are entered into one cell and I'd like to compute hi
commission using a simgle computation. any ideas? Thanks for an