Excel hangs crashes when pasting formulas

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lutash
  • Start date Start date


I have an opened workbook in Excel 07 with my formulas C thru Z. When I copy
and try to paste to a new workbook, it hangs or crashes and the memory usage
goes to over 1g. If I wait thru the hang, then it hangs when I try to insert
or delete any rows. Went to older machine and Excel 03 today to try and
everything worked just fine.

Event viewer gives following error
ID: 1, Application Name: Microsoft Office Excel, Application Version:
12.0.6524.5003, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6425.1000. This session lasted
4959 seconds with 900 seconds of active time. This session ended with a

One of the shorter formulas that i am using

Can someone please help ?
That shorter formula works fine for me in both 2003 & 2007. How long are
your longer formulas, limit is something under 1024. But why not store the
two arrays in cells and refer to them there.

Peter T
Its much larger, but under 1024.
I'm not sure I know how to store and refer.
Could you advise ?
I just did this with your formula -

Copy the first array (everything between the first set of curly brackets) to
A3, and the second array to A4
Select A3:A4
Data, Text to Columns, Delimited, use the comma separator, OK
Your values should extend across to A3:AJ4
Select A3:AJ4 and Copy
Select A6
PasteSpecial Transpose

you should now have values in two columns from row 6 to 41
Select A1:A41
In the name box left of input bar, name it (say) "LUvalues"
and similarly name B6:B41 "LUvectors"

in A1 put 1.35
in some other cell
should return 34

Peter T