I work for a Comapny that requires "Dashboards" to be sent out on a monthly
basis to all of our Clients. These dashboards hold specific data that is
stored within excel. You would think that cutting (CTRL + C) and pasting
(CTRL + V) would be simple. It is not. All graphs have to be the same height
and width. When I make them all the same size and width and save it in
excel, then paste the graph into powerpoint, The graphs resize. Thus, now
not to the "standard" of keeping all the same size.
How do I fix this? Is there a quick way of doing this? Is there another
Microsoft program that works better with excel and serves the same purpose of
powerpoint. I really need help. Thanks!
basis to all of our Clients. These dashboards hold specific data that is
stored within excel. You would think that cutting (CTRL + C) and pasting
(CTRL + V) would be simple. It is not. All graphs have to be the same height
and width. When I make them all the same size and width and save it in
excel, then paste the graph into powerpoint, The graphs resize. Thus, now
not to the "standard" of keeping all the same size.
How do I fix this? Is there a quick way of doing this? Is there another
Microsoft program that works better with excel and serves the same purpose of
powerpoint. I really need help. Thanks!