71.43% 28.57%
1 50.00 50.00
2 50.00 50.00
3 50.00 50.00
4 50.00 38.01
5 50.00 50.00
6 50.00 46.85
7 50.00 36.41
8 37.65 50.00
9 33.48 39.74
10 30.74 37.51
11 50.00 50.00
12 27.32 34.39
13 50.00 32.13
14 32.46 36.26
Cuttoff 39.00 36.00
I am counting how many times a number comes up under 39 in column A and
how many times a number comes up in column B under 36. Thus the
percentages at the top of the page. I want to combine both column A and
B to create one column and only one positive will be counted for each
row. I want to discrimante if for example, you take row 12. Both
numbers in row 12 would be counted because they are under 39 and 36 for
there respected columns. I need to know how to discriminate against
this so it is only counted once in the percentage at the top when I
combine the positives in the columns????? Only one positive for each
row is counted!!!
1 50.00 50.00
2 50.00 50.00
3 50.00 50.00
4 50.00 38.01
5 50.00 50.00
6 50.00 46.85
7 50.00 36.41
8 37.65 50.00
9 33.48 39.74
10 30.74 37.51
11 50.00 50.00
12 27.32 34.39
13 50.00 32.13
14 32.46 36.26
Cuttoff 39.00 36.00
I am counting how many times a number comes up under 39 in column A and
how many times a number comes up in column B under 36. Thus the
percentages at the top of the page. I want to combine both column A and
B to create one column and only one positive will be counted for each
row. I want to discrimante if for example, you take row 12. Both
numbers in row 12 would be counted because they are under 39 and 36 for
there respected columns. I need to know how to discriminate against
this so it is only counted once in the percentage at the top when I
combine the positives in the columns????? Only one positive for each
row is counted!!!