Right firstly I would like to thank Don, Paul and all who
have already helped me, it has been greatly appreciated.
It has now been dumped on me that I need to get results
for all our teams across the dept Mon - Fri across the
We have 7 managers working various days, under them they
have telephone operators, the same person can log a
different query with a differnent manager but on the same
day so I need to through all the managers data. In turn
the operators take phone calls and log these with the
manager, I would like to count how many/different types of
queries or calls we are recieving. These are logged
randomly so the formula needs to be able to count/search
for specfied criteria.
The formula I have is:
=SUMPRODUCT(('[Anthony Week 42.xls]Wednesday'!C2:C50="Tina
Shields")*('[Anthony Week 42.xls]Wednesday'!
B2:B50="Outstanding Balance"))
On the summary sheet this formula counts how
many "Outstanding Queries" Tina Shields recieved on
Wednesday on that particular week. The formula works and
does count only if the criteria matches "Outstanding
Queries and Tina Shields" but the problem is that I 7
teams and 5 working days so I need 35 of these formula's
above to search for Tina and the Query but the formula is
way too long and won't hold in the cell.
Is there a neater or better method of doing this, than the
basic route I'm using already???
Many Thanks in advance
Right firstly I would like to thank Don, Paul and all who
have already helped me, it has been greatly appreciated.
It has now been dumped on me that I need to get results
for all our teams across the dept Mon - Fri across the
We have 7 managers working various days, under them they
have telephone operators, the same person can log a
different query with a differnent manager but on the same
day so I need to through all the managers data. In turn
the operators take phone calls and log these with the
manager, I would like to count how many/different types of
queries or calls we are recieving. These are logged
randomly so the formula needs to be able to count/search
for specfied criteria.
The formula I have is:
=SUMPRODUCT(('[Anthony Week 42.xls]Wednesday'!C2:C50="Tina
Shields")*('[Anthony Week 42.xls]Wednesday'!
B2:B50="Outstanding Balance"))
On the summary sheet this formula counts how
many "Outstanding Queries" Tina Shields recieved on
Wednesday on that particular week. The formula works and
does count only if the criteria matches "Outstanding
Queries and Tina Shields" but the problem is that I 7
teams and 5 working days so I need 35 of these formula's
above to search for Tina and the Query but the formula is
way too long and won't hold in the cell.
Is there a neater or better method of doing this, than the
basic route I'm using already???
Many Thanks in advance