excel formula

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if I have a formula that reads:


How combine it whith this formula so that both will happen at the same time:


thanks for any help :)
You cannot combine the two, since they give totally unrelated results. The
first givres either an "0" or the value of F16, the other either B10*0.05 or
D10. As such, they should be in seperate cells?
Please elaborate
D22 Yes No
B10*0.05 <D10 case a case b
=>D10 case c case d
Tell us what is to happen in each case
What I am trying to have happen is create formula for a refund policy. I
want to be able to say if d22 =yes than calculate the fee from the other
formula and if d22 =no than they are not charged a fee and get a full refund.

does this help at all?

not to sound silly because the formula works but what does the double
quotation mark stand for in the formula?


That just means that you want to keep the cell blank if none of the
previous conditions in the formula are true. The way the IF function
works is:

IF(-condition to test-,-what to write if true-,-what to write if

For example:


Hope this helps.

las said:
What I am trying to have happen is create formula for a refund policy. I
want to be able to say if d22 =yes than calculate the fee from the other
formula and if d22 =no than they are not charged a fee and get a full refund.

does this help at all?

In old basic which is easier to read and keep track of than excel-ese IMHO.

Select Case d22
Case "Yes":
(You fill in here what happens if d22 is yes)
Case "No":
(You Fill in here what happens if it's no)
Case Else:
(You fill in here what to do if it's neither)
END Select
