Excel Formula Formatting - How to Add a STOP Statement

  • Thread starter Thread starter rhg
  • Start date Start date


Now that we are using the spreadsheet. I have been faced
with the question: How do we stop the formula from processing if the patient
has either had an appointment or surgery? The simple answer in my mind lies
in Columns F & G or J & K. Column F & G asks does patient have an
appointment and we just place an x in the Yes or No column. The same is true
in J & K except there we ask is the patient having surgery Yes or No. It
would seem if we put a "X" in one of those columns then we could stop the
clock so to speak. So I'm thinking, I need a STOP statement stating if
column J or K has a text entry "X" then stop processing formula in column E,
Alert Status.

=IF(OR(AND(C4="E",D4>=7),AND(C4="U",D4>=30)),"ALERT",IF(AND(C4="R",D4>=120),"Review",""),AND(J4="X",STOP E4),OR(K4="X", STOP E4))

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all your help

No one here knows what "the spreadsheet" is. You have to explain what you
have (ie, the current formula), and what you want it changed to. Examples
are the best way of explaining what you want.

rhg wrote,
Fred I'm sorry I included the whole string but I can see now why you are
confused. Earlier I asked about =IF statements based on my spread sheet
rhg wrote:
I'm building a tracking program that monitors medical consults against time
and urgency.
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Column F Column J
Tracking # Date Urgency Time Elapsed Status
Appointment Surgery
g7186072409 7/24/2009 R 14
Yes or No Yes or No
s2234072009 7/20/2009 E 18 ALERT
a4590071809 7/18/2009 R 20
z0002071409 7/14/2009 U 24

Columns A, B & C are manual data entries
Column D =Now()-B4 (B4 is Row that contains first date)
Column E Is my formula:
This formula calculates the time elapsed criteria and when its exceeded the
warning labels pop up.

This part is all working beautifully. Now comes the realization when you
want the process to stop because two conditions are met one the patient has
had his appointment or he has had surgery. So I need to tell my formula in
Col E to STOP if there is a manual entry of an "X" in either Col F or Col J

Here is my attempt to modify my formula
AND(F4="X",STOP E4),OR(J4="X", STOP E4))

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Your problem is that Excel doesn't understand what "STOP E4" means, and
neither do I. You need to tell us what you want displayed when the
conditions are met. Do you want "STOP" displayed? Do you want nothing
displayed? Something else?

My first guess is you want something like this:

If that's not what you want, post back.

It also appears that you don't understand the makeup of this group. It's a
worldwide group of volunteers. It has nothing to do with Microsoft or the US
government. You'll get better and quicker responses when you post assuming
people know nothing of your situation, and have no past history of any of
your posts.
