Have you heard any response in regard to your posting
below? I have a similar situation but with only one of my
It began last May and we worked with Microsoft Support for
a couple of months. We updated the MS Office Service packs
to the most recent, updated the MS Windows Service Packs,
reinstalled MS Office, and finally redid the pc from
scratch. Microsoft also wanted us to copy "ALL" the files
this person uses to her local drive and only access them
from there. We tried this but it was hard because the user
pulls from a variety of shared drives on our Network. When
I redid the user's pc, I left off the Novell client since
she no longer needed access to our "lone" Novell Server.
Our biggest problem was that the users problem was very
intermittant. Sometimes it might be fine for a couple of
days, other days it would happen repeatedly. Makes it hard
when trouuble shooting.
The pc redo seemed to work fine for awhile. In October her
hard disk crashed and I need to redo the pc again. Over
the past couple of weeks the problem seems to be coming
back again. Yesterday it happened a number of times with
the same Word document. The only thing I noticed is that
if you right click on the file, select "properties", click
on the "Advanced" button under the "General" tab, and look
in the Archive and Index attributes section, there was a
check in the box next to: "File is ready for archiving".
In a number of folders this user has, this was the only
file that had this checked. Not sure at this point if I've
tripped onto something or not. I'm currently waiting for
the problem to happen again so I can check the next file.