Excel & dates... how to determine order.

  • Thread starter Thread starter antoinejon
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Hi everyone:

I have a huge formula to figure out changing interest rates per year.
was wondering if anyone new of a function that did something lik

A1 Cell is greater than (or is more recent than) 1-1-1992

I am using this for an if/then function, so if the date came before 9
then ####, if not, then it's zero. I already have that part of th
formula figured out, just so you know what I'm dealing with.

Please post any ideas, or if you have any questions.

Thank you!
If you have formatted your columns as dates then the contents are jus
numbers (try one cell - Copy/Edit Paste Special Values).

You therefore use them the same as any other number
eg. IF(A1<B1,1,0)
To use a hard coded date in the comparison formula it needs to be se
to a number :-
eg. =IF(A1>DATEVALUE("1/1/92"),"After","Before")

This is duplicated in code by If ....Then ... Else ..

Beware. VBA changes hard coded dates to the American format "mm/dd/yy"
especially if you use
("it's a feature, not a bug" <grin>)
so you may need to ensure that you use something like .....