First of all, there should be *no* blank row between your header row and
your data.
Select the top left cell of the list, which should be the first, left most
cell of your header row.
Scroll to the bottom right cell of the list - hold down <Shift> and then
click in this cell.
This should select your entire list.
Now, while everything is selected, click in the name box and enter a short,
suitable name, such as "sort1" (no quotes), then hit <Enter>.
Now, when you wish to perform a sort on this data list, simply click the
small down arrow by the name box and choose the list name.
This selects the entire list.
Then do a <Data> <Sort>.
Make sure that in "My List Has", you check the "header row" option.
Choose your sort criteria, and then <OK>.
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
that was fast! thank you. and i cannot live with a 10%
risk factor - it defeats the whole purpose of using this
as a live data base. but two points of clarification if
you don't mind. I gather you are suggesting that i
always have to go to the bottom right cell in the data
base and then scroll up and to the left to capture
the "right data range" and then go to data/sort. that
seems to be a lot more work than simply hitting "A1" in
the name box, but then i can't live with this random
luck. I think your suggestion of picking the range, in
my case, "BK1332", but i have tried a number of
test "sorts" using this reference, but i don't get a
choice as to my header row sort choices. what am i still