Excel crashes on close

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr. m0le
  • Start date Start date

Mr. m0le

I have several workbooks that contain different macros for various purposes.
These workbooks dont need to be saved after use. I originaly was using
"Application.DisplayAlerts = False" & "Workbooks.Close" to not show the save
msg and then just close the work book. All this is done in the workbook
module under beforeclose. I've did some searching around and tried useing a
timer to give it time to think and also tried "Workbooks("Home-Item
Lookup.XLS").Close SaveChanges:=False" without luck. Either it asks me to
save the workbook (which i would perfer not as the workbooks are blank
templates designed to pull further info. based upon filled in cells.), or the
workbook closes but then excel itself crashes. I do have shapes in the
workbook but none of the shapre have anything to do with the book closeing.
Any ideas on this i could try or something im missing?
Try it this way:

"Workbooks("Home-Item Lookup.XLS").Saved = True
"Workbooks("Home-Item Lookup.XLS").Close