Thanks J.E. for that information. Very interesting. I didn't know the
MaxOS did that. Just curious to learn, that's all.
... trying
to copy 16 million cells ran me out of HD space with 1.6GB
Looks to me that the two operating systems take different approaches. In
Windows, one can do the following in 0 seconds:
The only explanation I have for Excel being able to copy 16 Megs of cell
data doesn't! In Windows, I "think" the statement "Copy Cells to
the clipboard" is not correct. I "think" it just sets a link to where the
data is and places the marching ants around it. Doing most items like the
OP is doing breaks the integrity of that link, so Excel breaks the link and
removes the marching ants. I don't think it is actually clearing 16+ Megs
of data. That's why I believe the hard drive light doesn't come on with
"Cells.Copy." (There was a way to trick the link I believe in Excel 97 so
when you pasted, the data was from the wrong cell link, but I don't have my
notes on that was since fixed.)
To tell you the truth, I am a little surprised that Excel & MaxOs works like
it does. But.. oh well.
The reason Windows can run the following so quickly is that I believe it
does not copy all those cells to memory. It just sets an internal pointer
to where the data is. Anyway, interesting topic.
Sub Macro1()
[A1:Z60000].PasteSpecial Operation:=xlAdd
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
There is no way that I know of to copy a number into the clipboard, and use
something like "PasteSpecial Operation:=xlAdd" I think it doesn't get it
from the clipboard, it gets the number/numbers from the marching ants.