Gord's suggestion is a time proven (across all versions) procedure for
duplicating headers and footers.
Perhaps you don't understand the 'Grouping' of worksheets, which is
necessary for this procedure to work.
When sheets are grouped, whatever is done to the "main" sheet, will be
duplicated to all the other sheets in the group.
When sheets are 'Grouped', the tabs of each sheet in the group is colored
white, with the main sheet also in bold.
In the title bar, appended to the name of the WB, you'll see "[Group]".
To group sheets, with the main sheet (sheet to be revised and copied from)
in focus, hold down <Ctrl>, and click in the tabs of each sheet that you
wish to add to the group.
If the sheets to group are contiguous, you can hold down <Shift>, and click
in the last sheet, to include them all.
Now, while these sheets are grouped, make your revisions and/or create your
Everything will be duplicated in/on the rest of the sheets in the group.
When you're done, don't forget to "un-group" the sheets by clicking in a tab
of a sheet not in the group, OR, right click in a tab of a grouped sheet and
choose "Ungroup Sheets".
However, lets say that you *already* have an existing sheet , with the
headers and/or footers already created.
Click in the tab of this 'master' sheet so that it is the sheet in focus.
Add the other sheets to the group as described above, making *sure* that the
'main' sheet is in bold (in focus).
Now, click in
<File> <PageSetUp> <OK>
Your headers and footers are now duplicated in all the sheets in the group.
Ungroup your sheets!
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
There appears to be nothing of the effect at all (meaning that none of
the copy-and-paste from Sheet1 to sheet2 with respect to the custom
header and footer are effected).