Is it possible to generate a chart using the excel 2007 engine for a web
page? (output in jpg)...
Not using the Excel engine directly - server-side Office Automation doesn't
work, and isn't even supported by Microsoft:;EN-US;q257757#kb2
However, does it actually *have* to be Excel? You certainly don't *need*
Excel just to generate a chart for an ASPX page...
But, if it does have to be Excel, you might consider using the OpenXML
format for Office 2007:
This has one immediate advantage - it's free! However, it is most definitely
*not* for the faint-hearted! Even the most experienced XML coder will find
this a bit of a challenge...
If not what 3rd party solution would you recommend for this purpose
Well, if it *has* to be Excel, this is the industry-standard:
If not, there are literally dozens (if not hundreds!) of 3rd-party charting
tools for (ASP).NET - this is the one I use: