Excel chart - result of formula = " " don't want to see in chart

  • Thread starter Thread starter kosciosco
  • Start date Start date


I have built a simple line graph, showing last year sale figures, this
years budget and this years actuals. I have 12 months worth of data for
the first two categories, but only two months for actuals.

The problem I have is that the data for the graph is being taken from a
table which gets its information from a larger data block using a
lookup function.

The problem I have is that the data for actuals includes a number for
January and February but nothing for March onwards. To insure that
there is nothing there I have used an if funtion to return a " " if
there is no number or the number itself if there is. The chart shows
the " " as a zero, but all I want to see is a line representing January
and February.

I know this is probably a really basic thing but I just can't find the



try changing your IF function to something liek

so instead of returning " " return NA()
you may use conditional formating to hide these output (use a white
font color for this)
I read this topic with glea! It was just what I was looking for... So many thanks for that :

This is my formul
=IF(SUM('Enter Data'!O5/1.175)*('Enter Data'!P5/100)=0,NA(),SUM('Enter Data'!O5/1.175)*('Enter Data'!P5/100)

forcing the formula to give #N/A where there is no value in the original data, you mentioned using the conditional formatting to "Hide" the #n/a, no matter what I try the 'N/A will not go white

Can you help
for the conditional formating issue.
- select the cells for which an NA error can occur
- goto the conditional format dialo
- enter the following formula
where cell_reference ist the first cell of your selection.

- now choose a white font for these condition