Excel button problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter BeSmart
  • Start date Start date


Hi All
I have a macro that copies a worksheet in the active workbook and puts it
into a new workbook - then formats it and deletes any buttons on the

On the first click on the button the macro works ok.
On the second click, it fails because the all assigned macros on all buttons
in the active workbook changed from "mba" to "book1!mba". Book 1 doesn't
exists (wasn't opened, wasn't saved, doesn't have the macros).

I've never experienced this problem before??
Can anyone help to solve this problem?
The macro to do this is called "mba".
It lives in the active workbook within "Module 1" as a "General" macro
The active workbook is currently called "Template.xls" - users save as from
this workbook
The macro is assigned to a button created from the Form toolbar (it's named
Hi Joel
Please forgive me (I'm a novice at this), and I don't totally understand
e.g. how do I avoid using "activeworkbook" when I don't know what the
filename of the workbook will be (users save as from the original workbook I
send to them)?

Here is my code that is assigned to the button.
The code gets data from the original workbook and the current worksheet
(which is already open and selected because the button is on that sheet)
It pastes the data into a section on a hidden worksheet within the same
Then it makes a copy of the MBA worksheet and renames it
then the new worksheet is moves out of the original workbook and the formats
e.g. clear un-necessary defined names, paste all formulas as values etc,
re-hides the

There are situation where I use the following - what should I use instead?
1) ActiveSheet
2) ActiveCell
3) select
4) Selection

Sub mba()
Dim nme As Name

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Goto Reference:="MBAData" 'named range on current worksheet'
Sheets("MBA").Visible = True 'hidden template worksheet'
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Sheets("MBA").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("MBA (2)").Name = "Client MBA"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A1").Select 'from here on it is formatting'
Selection.Copy 'replace all formulas with values
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Application.Goto Reference:="MBApaste"
Selection.Clear 'clear data dump section

Sheets("MBA").Select 'clear the pasted data on the template & re-hide the
Application.Goto Reference:="MBApaste"
Sheets("MBA").Visible = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False

Sheets("Client MBA").Move
For Each nme In ActiveWorkbook.Names 'delete named ranges not needed in new
If nme.Name Like "*_FilterDatabase" Or _
nme.Name Like "*Print_Area" Or _
nme.Name Like "*Print_Titles" Or _
nme.Name Like "*wvu.*" Or _
nme.Name Like "*wrn.*" Or _
nme.Name Like "*!Criteria" Then
End If
Next nme
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Hi Joel
Thank you for looking at the code for me.

I don't need to "open" an existing workbook - the workbook is already open
and the user is on the worksheet that has the MBAData named range that needs
to be copied into the hidden worksheet MBA.

Range(MBAData).Copy (this happens on the current worksheet - not sheet("MBA")

I also don't need to open a new workbook
The code "moves" the "Client MBA" worksheet into a separate workbook (to do
this manually I would go right mouse, select Cooy/Move, select "new booK" &
hit OK.
i.e. Sheets("Client MBA").Move

I tried to test your code (after a few little changes - see below revised
code), but had these problems:

- it didn't select worksheet MBA to pasted MBAData values from A80 - it
pasted the values into the current worksheet from cell A80.
With Sheets("MBA")
Range("A80").PasteSpecial _
End With

- it didn't change the worksheet name "MBA(2)" to "Client MBA"?
With NewSht
..Name = "Client MBA"
..Cells.PasteSpecial _

Thank you for your patience and help

Revised code:
Sub mba()
Dim nme As Name

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False


Sheets("MBA").Visible = True
With Sheets("MBA")
Range("A80").PasteSpecial _
End With

Sheets("MBA").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set NewSht = Sheets(Sheets.Count)
With NewSht
..Name = "Client MBA"
..Cells.PasteSpecial _
End With
Sheets("MBA").Visible = False

Sheets("Client MBA").Move

For Each nme In ThisWorkbook.Names 'delete named ranges not needed in new
If nme.Name Like "*_FilterDatabase" Or _
nme.Name Like "*Print_Area" Or _
nme.Name Like "*Print_Titles" Or _
nme.Name Like "*wvu.*" Or _
nme.Name Like "*wrn.*" Or _
nme.Name Like "*!Criteria" Then
End If
Next nme
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub