Excel (and almost all other general purpose software) does binary math.
Most terminating decimal fractions (including .665, .95, and .285) are
nonterminating binary fractions which can only be approximated in finite
precision (just as 1/3 can only be approximated as a finite precision
decimal fraction). When you do math on approximate inputs, it should
not be surprising when the outputs are only approximate.
Your options are:
- do integer math (all integers with <=15 digits can be exactly
represented, so =33665-33950+285 returns zero as you expect
- test whether results are nearly zero instead of exactly zero
- round results to an appropriate number of decimal places to hide
binary residue beyond Excel's documented limit of 15 decimal digits.
More Detail:
The precision of Excel's binary approximation is defined by the IEEE
standard for double precison
so its results are comparable to almost all other general purpose
software. The IEEE standard approximations for your inputs (converted
back to decimal) are
+ 0.284999999999999975575093458246556110680103302001953125
which Excel correctly reports to its documented 15 digit limit as
In this instance, it is obvious that you can round to 3 digits without
reducing the precision of the results. In more complicated problems,
you can use that documented 15 digit limit as a rough guide for where to
round. Think of your problem as
+ 0.284999999999999??
It is not clear how this is making Excel crash (the topic of this