Excel and ADO.NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Prasun
  • Start date Start date



I am building an App that takes an Excel file and populates 3 DataTable's in
a Dataset. I then was to create a relationship between these 3 DataTables.
After doing so I want to run some code to process / modify the data in the
tables and then return the result back into an Excel file. I am a beginner
at VB and i chose this as a starter project. I get the following exception
when i try to create the DataRelation:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in
Additional information: 'column' argument cannot be null.

Listed below is the code I have. All help would be appreciated
Thank You

Private Sub cbConvert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cbConvert.Click 'Convert button click event

Dim filename As String
filename = tbInputFileBrowser.Text()
Dim XLFileConn As New OleDbConnection
XLFileConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & filename & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""

Dim XLFileCmd1 As New OleDbCommand
XLFileCmd1.Connection = XLFileConn

Dim XLFileDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC' OR
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")
'XLFileDA.FillSchema(XLFileMainDS, SchemaType.Source, "Sheet1$")

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMain").Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithModTC").Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMod26").Columns("Proc Code")

Dim RelProcCode As DataRelation
Dim RelProcCode1 As DataRelation

RelProcCode = New DataRelation("ProcCodeTC", ParentCol, Child1Col) 'Get an
Exception Here
RelProcCode1 = New DataRelation("ProcCode26", ParentCol, Child2Col)

'Add the relation to the DataSet.

End Try

Check if ParentCol or Child1Col is not set to Nothing before creating
relation. If it is then you need to check why it was not set to the proper

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP


Prasun said:

I am building an App that takes an Excel file and populates 3 DataTable's
a Dataset. I then was to create a relationship between these 3
After doing so I want to run some code to process / modify the data in the
tables and then return the result back into an Excel file. I am a
at VB and i chose this as a starter project. I get the following exception
when i try to create the DataRelation:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in
Additional information: 'column' argument cannot be null.

Listed below is the code I have. All help would be appreciated
Thank You

Private Sub cbConvert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cbConvert.Click 'Convert button click event

Dim filename As String
filename = tbInputFileBrowser.Text()
Dim XLFileConn As New OleDbConnection
XLFileConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & filename & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""

Dim XLFileCmd1 As New OleDbCommand
XLFileCmd1.Connection = XLFileConn

Dim XLFileDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC' OR
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")
'XLFileDA.FillSchema(XLFileMainDS, SchemaType.Source, "Sheet1$")

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMain").Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithModTC").Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMod26").Columns("Proc Code")

Dim RelProcCode As DataRelation
Dim RelProcCode1 As DataRelation

RelProcCode = New DataRelation("ProcCodeTC", ParentCol, Child1Col) 'Get
Exception Here
RelProcCode1 = New DataRelation("ProcCode26", ParentCol, Child2Col)

'Add the relation to the DataSet.

End Try

Yes, I put some breakpoint in my my program and ParentCol, ChildCol1 and
ChildCol2 are set to 'Nothing' through the whole program. I will have to
find out why. Thank you for helping me figure put what the problem might
be. This is my first real project as a beginner. Now to figure out why
they have no value

Thank You

Val Mazur (MVP) said:

Check if ParentCol or Child1Col is not set to Nothing before creating
relation. If it is then you need to check why it was not set to the proper

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP


Prasun said:

I am building an App that takes an Excel file and populates 3 DataTable's
a Dataset. I then was to create a relationship between these 3
After doing so I want to run some code to process / modify the data in
tables and then return the result back into an Excel file. I am a
at VB and i chose this as a starter project. I get the following
when i try to create the DataRelation:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in
Additional information: 'column' argument cannot be null.

Listed below is the code I have. All help would be appreciated
Thank You

Private Sub cbConvert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cbConvert.Click 'Convert button click event

Dim filename As String
filename = tbInputFileBrowser.Text()
Dim XLFileConn As New OleDbConnection
XLFileConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & filename & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""

Dim XLFileCmd1 As New OleDbCommand
XLFileCmd1.Connection = XLFileConn

Dim XLFileDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC' OR
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")
'XLFileDA.FillSchema(XLFileMainDS, SchemaType.Source, "Sheet1$")

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMain").Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithModTC").Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMod26").Columns("Proc Code")

Dim RelProcCode As DataRelation
Dim RelProcCode1 As DataRelation

RelProcCode = New DataRelation("ProcCodeTC", ParentCol, Child1Col) 'Get
Exception Here
RelProcCode1 = New DataRelation("ProcCode26", ParentCol, Child2Col)

'Add the relation to the DataSet.

End Try

Am i coding this correctly? When i run the fill command, will the table
automatically pick the column header and other schema info? Once this is
done I would like to create some DataRelationships between the three tables.
Will there be an error because the table schema was not detected? I am
curious about the concepts themselves rather than my code. I have already
tried to read up on all the info online, but nothing addresses my situation.

Val Mazur (MVP) said:

Check if ParentCol or Child1Col is not set to Nothing before creating
relation. If it is then you need to check why it was not set to the proper

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP


Prasun said:

I am building an App that takes an Excel file and populates 3 DataTable's
a Dataset. I then was to create a relationship between these 3
After doing so I want to run some code to process / modify the data in
tables and then return the result back into an Excel file. I am a
at VB and i chose this as a starter project. I get the following
when i try to create the DataRelation:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in
Additional information: 'column' argument cannot be null.

Listed below is the code I have. All help would be appreciated
Thank You

Private Sub cbConvert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cbConvert.Click 'Convert button click event

Dim filename As String
filename = tbInputFileBrowser.Text()
Dim XLFileConn As New OleDbConnection
XLFileConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & filename & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""

Dim XLFileCmd1 As New OleDbCommand
XLFileCmd1.Connection = XLFileConn

Dim XLFileDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC' OR
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")
'XLFileDA.FillSchema(XLFileMainDS, SchemaType.Source, "Sheet1$")

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMain").Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithModTC").Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMod26").Columns("Proc Code")

Dim RelProcCode As DataRelation
Dim RelProcCode1 As DataRelation

RelProcCode = New DataRelation("ProcCodeTC", ParentCol, Child1Col) 'Get
Exception Here
RelProcCode1 = New DataRelation("ProcCode26", ParentCol, Child2Col)

'Add the relation to the DataSet.

End Try

Yes, when you call Fill method, then DataAdapter fills in columns and other
schema information automatically. I have checked your code again and it
looks like you do not fill the tables properly and, I think, this is the
cause of the problem. Try to do it next way

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC' OR

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = TableMain .Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = TableTC .Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = Table26.Columns("Proc Code")

Rest of the code should be the same

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP


Prasun said:

Am i coding this correctly? When i run the fill command, will the table
automatically pick the column header and other schema info? Once this is
done I would like to create some DataRelationships between the three
tables. Will there be an error because the table schema was not detected?
I am curious about the concepts themselves rather than my code. I have
already tried to read up on all the info online, but nothing addresses my

Val Mazur (MVP) said:

Check if ParentCol or Child1Col is not set to Nothing before creating
relation. If it is then you need to check why it was not set to the
proper column

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP


Prasun said:

I am building an App that takes an Excel file and populates 3
DataTable's in
a Dataset. I then was to create a relationship between these 3
After doing so I want to run some code to process / modify the data in
tables and then return the result back into an Excel file. I am a
at VB and i chose this as a starter project. I get the following
when i try to create the DataRelation:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred
Additional information: 'column' argument cannot be null.

Listed below is the code I have. All help would be appreciated
Thank You

Private Sub cbConvert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cbConvert.Click 'Convert button click event

Dim filename As String
filename = tbInputFileBrowser.Text()
Dim XLFileConn As New OleDbConnection
XLFileConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & filename & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""

Dim XLFileCmd1 As New OleDbCommand
XLFileCmd1.Connection = XLFileConn

Dim XLFileDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC'
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")
'XLFileDA.FillSchema(XLFileMainDS, SchemaType.Source, "Sheet1$")

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMain").Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithModTC").Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMod26").Columns("Proc Code")

Dim RelProcCode As DataRelation
Dim RelProcCode1 As DataRelation

RelProcCode = New DataRelation("ProcCodeTC", ParentCol, Child1Col) 'Get
Exception Here
RelProcCode1 = New DataRelation("ProcCode26", ParentCol, Child2Col)

'Add the relation to the DataSet.

End Try

I found the error in my code

Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE trim (Modify) <>
'TC' OR '26'"
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE trim (Modify) <>
'TC' OR '26'"
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "TableWithMain")

I had put Sheet1 instead of the name of the table. It now reads the
columns. The issue I have now is with my command statement. I am using a
coulmn that has been set to text in excel and contains both numbers and
text. Unfortunately the code can not see the numeric values i.e. 26. I
have tried put the 26 in quotes like '26' and without quotes but it doesn't
seem to work.

Thank You for the help

Val Mazur (MVP) said:

Yes, when you call Fill method, then DataAdapter fills in columns and
other schema information automatically. I have checked your code again and
it looks like you do not fill the tables properly and, I think, this is
the cause of the problem. Try to do it next way

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC' OR

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = TableMain .Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = TableTC .Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = Table26.Columns("Proc Code")

Rest of the code should be the same

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP


Prasun said:

Am i coding this correctly? When i run the fill command, will the table
automatically pick the column header and other schema info? Once this is
done I would like to create some DataRelationships between the three
tables. Will there be an error because the table schema was not detected?
I am curious about the concepts themselves rather than my code. I have
already tried to read up on all the info online, but nothing addresses my

Val Mazur (MVP) said:

Check if ParentCol or Child1Col is not set to Nothing before creating
relation. If it is then you need to check why it was not set to the
proper column

Val Mazur
Microsoft MVP



I am building an App that takes an Excel file and populates 3
DataTable's in
a Dataset. I then was to create a relationship between these 3
After doing so I want to run some code to process / modify the data in
tables and then return the result back into an Excel file. I am a
at VB and i chose this as a starter project. I get the following
when i try to create the DataRelation:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred
Additional information: 'column' argument cannot be null.

Listed below is the code I have. All help would be appreciated
Thank You

Private Sub cbConvert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cbConvert.Click 'Convert button click event

Dim filename As String
filename = tbInputFileBrowser.Text()
Dim XLFileConn As New OleDbConnection
XLFileConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & filename & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""

Dim XLFileCmd1 As New OleDbCommand
XLFileCmd1.Connection = XLFileConn

Dim XLFileDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
XLFileDA.SelectCommand = XLFileCmd1

Dim XLFileMainDS = New DataSet("MainDataSet")
Dim TableMain As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMain")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify <> 'TC'
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim TableTC As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithModTC")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = 'TC'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")

Dim Table26 As DataTable = XLFileMainDS.Tables.Add("TableWithMod26")
XLFileCmd1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Modify = '26'"
XLFileDA.Fill(XLFileMainDS, "Sheet1")
'XLFileDA.FillSchema(XLFileMainDS, SchemaType.Source, "Sheet1$")

Dim ParentCol As DataColumn
Dim Child1Col As DataColumn
Dim Child2Col As DataColumn
ParentCol = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMain").Columns("Proc Code")
Child1Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithModTC").Columns("Proc Code")
Child2Col = XLFileMainDS.Tables("TableWithMod26").Columns("Proc Code")

Dim RelProcCode As DataRelation
Dim RelProcCode1 As DataRelation

RelProcCode = New DataRelation("ProcCodeTC", ParentCol, Child1Col)
'Get an
Exception Here
RelProcCode1 = New DataRelation("ProcCode26", ParentCol, Child2Col)

'Add the relation to the DataSet.

End Try