what I would like to do is insert/add another the character "#" which
ASCII chr(35) in front of the number 10375 so column c. i tried a
couple of variations of subsitute and of course it does not work.
would it be easier to run a macro for range("C")? here is what i
wrote: =SUBSTITUTE(CHAR(35)," ",B2)
any suggestions would be appreciated
here is what i have for the column b and c.
column b column c
10375 #10375 'add the # infront of 10375
10376 #10376
10377 #10377
thanks jung
what I would like to do is insert/add another the character "#" which
ASCII chr(35) in front of the number 10375 so column c. i tried a
couple of variations of subsitute and of course it does not work.
would it be easier to run a macro for range("C")? here is what i
wrote: =SUBSTITUTE(CHAR(35)," ",B2)
any suggestions would be appreciated

here is what i have for the column b and c.
column b column c
10375 #10375 'add the # infront of 10375
10376 #10376
10377 #10377
thanks jung