Excel 97 Crashes when using tools and options

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bert
  • Start date Start date


Can someone help with this. When I go into "Tools" and try
to open "Options" (I want to set the location of the
default location)Excel 97 come back with a Dialog box that
says error and asks if I want to send error report. It
then crashes.
Bert said:
Can someone help with this. When I go into "Tools" and try
to open "Options" (I want to set the location of the
default location)Excel 97 come back with a Dialog box that
says error and asks if I want to send error report. It
then crashes.

Hi Bert,

Have a look at this knowledge base article and see if it helps your


Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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Hi Bert,

That article was the only one I could find that specifically mentioned
this problem. Some general things you might try are deleting all files with
a *.XLB extension from your hard drive (Excel uses these to store toolbar
information, but they often become corrupt and cause crashes), and deleting
all files from your temporary directory.

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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One solution found for European users

I experienced the same problem and discovered that it was due to the Swedish letter å (latin small letter with ring above) in my user name.

Solution: create a new user account with a one word user name and only a-z / A-Z / 0-9 in it.

Note, you must create a new user as Windows retains the old user name on the folder in the "Documents and settings" folder. You can copy the "Start menu" and the desktop folder to the new user name folder so that all your links work.

I hope this is of help to others that experience the same problem
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