Excel 2010 - Custom Validation - Cell must contain another cells contents

May 9, 2012
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Hello, I am a bit new here, so do pardon any social faux pas!

I am creating an excel document that I need some custom validation on, I am having trouble getting it to work though.

Basically I need my column B1 called Post Number to contain a value of '1'. this is fine and I have ensured that no dupelication is possible through validation for the entire column of B.

Next however I need to make it so that the user can enter data into column C called Managers Post Number. What this needs to do is ONLY accept Post Numbers from Column 'B'.


B1 = 1
C1 = 1 - will work
C2 = 2 - will not work as '2' is not in column 'B'

Is this possible?
