Excel 2008 hanges when deleting cells or rows

  • Thread starter Thread starter rrj
  • Start date Start date


Anyone know of a problem with Excel 2008 hanging when deleting?
I have a large spreadsheet with all my banking history in it
Today after doing a statement download to a .csv and then cutting and
pasting into the spreadsheet I tried to delete a few repeated lines
and got an hourglass. Eventually I had to kill off Excel.
I repeated the cut and paste then did the same delete and had exactly
the same problem. deleting just a single cell does the same.
Next time I saved after the paste, shut down Excel and restarted
again, same problem.
I can navigate around the sheet OK, edit cells OK, but as soon as I
try a delete it hangs.
The file was Excel 2003 format but I then saved it as 2007 format but
still have the same problem.
It only happens in one tab of the spreadsheet, not in any of the
Its basically just numbers formatted to 2 decimal places and some
simple additions. No macros, no complex formlae and only 8 clums woide
by a few hundred deep.
Any ideas?