Recently my project reports upgarded from excel 2003 to excel 2007 and seeing some issues related to object model.
My reports were good with excel 2003 but not with 2007.we have integrated with .NET project.
Giving errors at below lines of code.
chart.ApplyCustomType((Excel.XlChartType)(21),"Lines on 2 Axes");
xAxis.CategoryType = Excel.XlCategoryType.xlTimeScale;
xAxis.BaseUnit = Excel.XlTimeUnit.xlDays;
xAxis.MajorUnitScale = Excel.XlTimeUnit.xlDays;
Please help me ASAP. I would really appriciate your time.
Jon Peltier wrote:
For the most part, code written in 2003 and earlier works fine in 2007.
For the most part, code written in 2003 and earlier works fine in 2007.
There are some intentionally deprecated objects, and some small changes
which I presume are more likely unintentional. You have to test all of your
existing code against 2007, and debugging it is the same process you had to
follow in 2003. Where I have found the most issues is in charting
(understandably, since this is where 75% of my programming is done) and in
the new shape objects, whose object model thus far defies comprehension.
Most of these inconsistencies are trivial; they will nonetheless cause your
code to halt
- Jo
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MV
Tutorials and Custom Solution
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Excel 2007 VBA versus excel 2003
Hi all
I am returning to programming after a few years I was pretty proficient in
excel 2003 and when I finished I was aware that 2003 code often didn't run
in 2007 for some trivial reasons (rounded corners didn't work I recall). Can
anyone give me an opinion on the ease with which someone who knows 2003 can
transfer to 2007 is it a walk in the park or a real pain or somewehre in
Kind regards, Mark
Hi Mark,From the standpoint of VBA, you should havevery little difficulty
Hi Mark
From the standpoint of VBA, you should hav
very little difficulty making the transition as an
changes are relatively minor
- the previously problematic FileSearch ha
been droppe
- dealing with shapes requires care(see Ro
de Bruin at
Shapes and VBA code in Excel 200
- Toolbar customisation changes with the adven
of the Ribbon - see Ron de Bruin at
Change the ribbon in Excel 200
- Graphics handling is reportedly very slow
perform a Google search for: graphics 200
Any transition to Excel 2007 does, however
does involve a learning curve for Excel's GUI
Personally, I have experienced little difficulty i
making the change, but that is not a universa
For the most part, code written in 2003 and earlier works fine in 2007.
For the most part, code written in 2003 and earlier works fine in 2007.
There are some intentionally deprecated objects, and some small changes
which I presume are more likely unintentional. You have to test all of your
existing code against 2007, and debugging it is the same process you had to
follow in 2003. Where I have found the most issues is in charting
(understandably, since this is where 75% of my programming is done) and in
the new shape objects, whose object model thus far defies comprehension.
Most of these inconsistencies are trivial; they will nonetheless cause your
code to halt
- Jo
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MV
Tutorials and Custom Solution
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -
Hi Norman,A big thank you that is very helpful (especially the pointers to
Hi Norman,
A big thank you that is very helpful (especially the pointers to links that
deal with potential sticky arreas) thanks again, kind regards, mark
Hi John,Good to be back, thanks for that, kind regards, mark"Jon Peltier"
Hi John,
Good to be back, thanks for that, kind regards, mark
Hi Mark,You are very welcome!
Hi Mark,
You are very welcome!
I see from another thread that you have
already encountered one of the Shape
issues (

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