Excel 2007 Questions



Hi all,

Just sine minor questions about the excellent Excel 2007.

1) I noticed that a nifty new feature in Excel 2007 is to increase the size
of the formula bar display, by dragging it down. However, the problem is
that I can't seem to make this change permanent - that is, every time I open
Excel, I have to keep on doing the resizing. Every time I reopen, it
converts back to the default one-line formula bar. Is there any way of
making it stay the size that I left it when I closed it last?

2) Another nifty new feature which I love is the quick keyboard shortcuts
involving the Alt+<number> near the large office Icon. I have some add-ins
that I've installed for Excel. Can the quick shortcut bar actually be set to
reference some the items in the add-in menus? I can't seem to do this
through the "Customize" menu for some reason.

Much appreciated.



Don Guillett

I just recorded this. You can modify to place in the Workbook_open event.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro

Application.FormulaBarHeight = 2
End Sub

Jim Rech



Thank you both!

I didn't know you could modify how the ribbon looks - that'll come in handy
to play with later.

I'll probably stick with the macro method until I have time to play with the

Location: Sydney
Occupation: Actuarial Consultant (Project Finance/Financial Modeling)

Jim Rech said:
I'm surprised that Excel 2007 does not restore the formula bar height
because it does record the modified height in the registry
(FormulaBarExpandedLines). But so it seems to be.

The only way to add keytips to ribbon buttons is by using RibbonX. Do a
search on this if you really want to venture into this arcane area. Or:


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