in Excel 2007 try: ?Activesheet.Cells.Count
The actual number of rows = 1.048.567 (2^20)
The actual number of columns = 16.385 (2^14)
The actual number of cells = 17.179.869.184 (2^34)
The maximum number in a long = 2.147.483.647 (2^31-1)
result... Error 6 Overflow
I'm pretty sure this may present some serious problems in the lifespan
of Excel 2007, also with selection .count etc.
You cannot convert it using CDbl as the error is generated internally
when the number is assigned to the count property return value.
the Count property must be redefined to return a variant (or double.)
The actual number of rows = 1.048.567 (2^20)
The actual number of columns = 16.385 (2^14)
The actual number of cells = 17.179.869.184 (2^34)
The maximum number in a long = 2.147.483.647 (2^31-1)
result... Error 6 Overflow
I'm pretty sure this may present some serious problems in the lifespan
of Excel 2007, also with selection .count etc.
You cannot convert it using CDbl as the error is generated internally
when the number is assigned to the count property return value.
the Count property must be redefined to return a variant (or double.)