Excel 2007 backwords compatible?

Mar 31, 2009
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Hi all,

Im a beginner at this entire excel 2007 lark and Im just trying to find my way around.

I recently created a spreadsheet called Test Cases.
In it I have 2 columns
n: and o:
1 1
2 2
3 1
1 2
2 1
3 2
1 1
2 2
3 1

I then created another tab and wanted to see how many entries are there where n:1 and o:1 (in this case the answer should be 2) so I used the following:
=countifs('Test Cases '!N1:N9,1, 'Test Cases '!O1:O9,1)
This returned 2 as the correct answer.
Then when I saved this and put it on my friends Excel 2003 it would not work? countifs is not available but Ive heard of sumproducts, sumif etc?

Is there anyone out there that could please let me know what the equivalent of the above function would be in Excel 2003? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
Thanks Muckshifter,

I looked at those before posting the thread but the solution they provide does not work for me. I tried

SUMPRODUCT(--(Test Cases!$N1:$N9=1),--(Test Cases!$O1:$O9=1))This doesnt work. Its gives me an error saying the formula you typed contains an error?

Sorry for being a pest but does anyone know why this is?