Here is an example for a single cell, A2.
The cell contains a formula that return text of various lengths and we want
Excel to re-adjust the row height whenever the formula is calculated.
In the worksheet code area, insert the following event macro:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Set r = Range("A2")
Application.EnableEvents = False
r.WrapText = False
r.WrapText = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
This is only a single cell demo. For your case it would need to be expanded
for all the cells you want to adjust.
Because it is worksheet code, it is very easy to install and automatic to use:
1. right-click the tab name near the bottom of the Excel window
2. select View Code - this brings up a VBE window
3. paste the stuff in and close the VBE window
If you have any concerns, first try it on a trial worksheet.
If you save the workbook, the macro will be saved with it.
To remove the macro:
1. bring up the VBE windows as above
2. clear the code out
3. close the VBE window
To learn more about macros in general, see:
To learn more about Event Macros (worksheet code), see: