Excel 2003 - VBA - ToolBar Release


C Brandt

Thanks to all your help, I now have a functioning toolbar that makes life a
lot easier for my users.


now that I have it, how do I get rid of it?

I tried :

Private Sub WorkbookBeforeClose()
Application.CommandBars("Account Review").Visible = False
End Sub

in the "ThisWookbook" object, but that does not seem to be doing the job.
The toolbar is always hanging around unless I go and manually uncheck it in
the toolbars menus.

I would like it to be available when the workbook is open and closed when
the workbook is closed.

Thanks for any help,

Dave Peterson

See those dropdowns at the top of the code window.

You can use them to choose the name of the procedure you want to use--you don't
have to type it yourself and take a chance of a typo:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

or was this a typo in the newsgroup post?????

C Brandt

Thanks for the input.
Wherever I looked, I kept seeing WorkbookBeforeClose without the dash. I
never realized that "thisworkbook" was already preloaded with the procedures
Thanks again,

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