Excel 2003 Scroll Bar


vandenberg p

Has anyone else noticed that the scroll bar (in Excel 2003) on the forms
menu does not scale in size smoothly. It gets a severe case of the
"jagges" as you scale it up in size. It is also MS blue in color. The
spinner button on the same bar is still gray and black. Wonder if this was
intentional or?

Pieter Vandenberg

Jim Rech

You're right on both counts. The scroll bar is truly hideous when widened
to a certain point. It's interesting too that the list box has become blue
while the drop down is still black.

These differences are only apparent though when I have the "Windows XP
style" selected under Display Properties, Appearance. When I switch to
"Windows Classic style" all is okay. So it looks to have something to do
with how the XP style was implemented in Excel 2003. I wish I had noticed
it during the beta so I could at least have enquired. If there is an SP1
beta I'll ask about it then. Looks like we'll have to live with it, at
least for now.

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