Excel 2003 Opens Excel 97 Files & recalcs links



Opening up XL 97 files in XL 2003 displays the message asking if you
want to update links with the buttons of "Update Links" and "Do Not
Update Links". Pressing "Do Not Update Links" results in the links
being updated anyway and if the linked file is not available you will
get errors in the cells with the link and any cell referencing these

Is there any way to convert an XL 97 file to XL 2003 and preserve the
data regardless of the linked files access? The Microsoft web site
describes this problem and a manual process to correct at

A conversion program would save our company much in lost productivity
not to mention the headaches involved in manually correcting all the
files we have with embeded links.

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if this will help--since it means that the registry for each person
would need to be changed...

xl2002+ likes to recalculate any workbooks that were created in previous
versions. In earlier versions of excel, if you answer No to the update links
prompt, the existing values are kept. In xl2002+, you get errors.

Jim Rech posted a registry tweak:
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]



I tried this, even though I am using XL 2003 and it worked with
modification. Instead of Excel/9.0 I had to use Excel/11.0.

For those who are ready to update the registry, using RegEdit, the
entry is:


create a new REG_DWORD value named: FullCalcOnLoadOldFile

it will default to the value of 0 which is ok.

Remember to backup the registry before making this change.

Thanks for the help.



I tried this, even though I am using XL 2003 and it worked with
modification. Instead of Excel/9.0 I had to use Excel/11.0.

For those who are ready to update the registry, using RegEdit, the
entry is:


create a new REG_DWORD value named: FullCalcOnLoadOldFile

it will default to the value of 0 which is ok.

Remember to backup the registry before making this change.

Thanks for the help.

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