Excel Excel 2003 Hyperlink question

Dec 1, 2008
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Hello, I am trying to figure a way to activate a hyperlink.
I have Workbook that has 3 worksheets in it. The first is a form, the second is a part description inventory,(that has 3 hyperlinks, 2 of them go to different PDF files and the third one is another excel workbook), the third worksheet is a different part number inventory. On the "Form" sheet we input the part number and it calls up the decription from the second sheet, (using a VLOOKUP function). I want to place 3 cells on the "Form" worksheet that would pull up the 2 PDF's and the hyperlink to the other workbook. The links would be different for each part number that was entered.
Thank You
Hi labelkenny, I've removed the other thread on it as there's no point in having 2 threads on the same subject. Unfortunately if it had no replies it could be that no-one knows the answer to this :)