Excel 2003 Clipboard Question

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When I am trying to copy and paste I receive this message "There is a large
amount of information on the Clipboard. Do you want to be able to paste this
information into another program later?" I click 'No' every time. I've tried
clearing the clipboard in Excel and Word and I still get this message. How do
I stop this message from coming up again? Thanks!
From the clipboard (Edit - clipboard) go to options, and uncheck the first 3
options (including "collect w/o showing clipboard"). If you're not using the
clipboard, no reason to store things to it, correct?
Hi Luke,
Thanks for your reply. I tried that and I am still getting the message
"There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard. Do you want to be
able to paste this information into another program later?" Is there anything
else I can do?
I tried your suggestion and am still getting the message
"There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard. Do you want to be
able to paste this information into another program later?" Anything
else I can do?
Is the copy/pasting being done through a macro?

If that were the case enter this line after the paste

Application.CutCopyMode = False

If not through macro I have no ideas for you. No matter what settings I
use, when I answer "No" to the query the clipboard is cleared.

After you click "No" what next step are you making that brings the message
up again?

Closing the workbook?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
Nope, no macro. I am copying and pasting multiple workbooks, so the same
steps are repeated over and over. Open old spread sheet, open new spread
sheet. Copy material from old spread sheet, paste in new spread sheet. Close
old spread sheet, get message every time. What do you think? Thanks!
After you paste do you hit Enter or Esc to clear the marching ants from old
spread sheet before closing?
