Excel 2002 (office XP) and netdde... newbie help!

  • Thread starter Thread starter flatsix
  • Start date Start date


Hi to all,

I'm a newbie in this forum, writing from Italy, after have lurked (an
have gotta a lot of tips!) for a long time...

Maybe that my problem has a very simple solution, for the reall
expertized people that write on this forum, but I do not have enoug
experience, and after several days I didn't find any kind of help o
the net, about it.

After have developed several megs of EXCEL macro source (in VB), I nee
to connect my Excel application with another server application, tha
receives continuous datas from an Internet server.

The server application is deployed in the same server that contain
OfficeXP and an excel sheet connected via DDE. They work great
togheter, but I need the datas retrieved (in real-time) to be processe
on another computer. In other words, I've an excel sheet that i
connected via DDE to a net application that is connected with a remot
computer on the net, but I need the datas to be processed on anothe
computer that is just connected via LAN to the server!

I tried:

1) to connect the "client" excel application (developed by me) to th
server trying to "remotize" its connection via the LAN, but I wa
unable to understand the names, topics and the other parameters neede
to do that, on DDESHARE, and on the needed cells on my worksheets...

2) to create an "intermediate" excel worksheet on the server, tha
works great via DDE (and retrieves correctly all the infos needed) bu
has to be connected via NETDDE with the lan, in order to make me abl
to use the same datas wherever I want, on the lan...

but I was unable to obtain anything else than the automatic opening o
the remote excel application on the server, without to retrieve th
content of the desired cells!!!!

the configuation that I tried was as follows:

server and clients WIN XP, Office XP, LAN 100Mb, via a norma

DDESHARE configured on the *server*:
Share Name: RealRemote$ (invented by me)
Old Style: Excel
Arg.Name: [ExcelWorkTest1]Foglio1

(the name of the test .xls created and the italian word for "sheet1"
as the italian version of excel requires)

New Style: Excel Sheet.8
Arg. Name: ExcelWorkTest1

(I tried several things, getting crazy! one of the things were t
change "Sheets.5" - found in a sample program on an internet site wit
"Sheets.8", invented by me, but it works, at least, opening the remot
excel!!!! the "sheets.5" does not work at all)

Authorizations: complete control to everybody

and "allow application start" flagged.

after that I setted the "trust share" for it, with both the flags o
"run active application" and "activate start dialog with th

on the client:

DDESHARE-> Shares-> select computer with the name of the serve

and the excel with:

='\\Client2\NDDE$'|'RealRemote$.OLE'!'Foglio1!R1C1' on a cell.

that's it. Foglio1 is the italian name of sheet1, in the italia
version of excel, I've tried sheet1 (notwithstanding excel names i
Foglio1 by default), but of course it does not work.

on the first cell of ExcelWorkTest1 I've putted the word "TEST"...

when I start the client sheet, whenever I press "enter" on the cel


the excel on the server starts, and correctly loads ExcelWorkTest1, bu
the client sheet does not retrieve any content (the desired "TEST
word!!!). It just shows "#N/A" ....

Edit->Connections is as follows:

Source RealRemote$.OLE
Type \\Client2\NDDE$
Refresh A
State Not applicable

if I push "verify status" doesn't happen anything...

help, please!!!

I tried 1,000,000 different searches on the net, via altavista, google
yahoo... but it seems that a simple topic, like "how to connect tw
excel istances on the LAN, by netdde, using Windows XP" does not exis
at all!!!

