Excel 2002 - Formula returns the formula


Harrison Davis

I have one Excel sheet that does not compute the formula contained in
the cell. The cell returns the formula that I've entered, regardless
of how complex or simple the formula is. For example, if c1 = a1+b1,
then cell C1 would output a1+b1, and not any computation of what's in
cells a1 and b1.

No password's or macro's are being used, and the format of the all
cells appears to be okay.

This only occurs on one worksheet in one Excel file that someone sent
to me to investiage. I can create a new worksheet in the same file and
no problems with computing formulas occurs.

Are there any properties or preferences that could be causing this?
Any other ideas?

Tools | Formula Auditing shows the correct calculation being executed,
it just isn't shown on the main Excel sheet.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Debra Dalgleish

The cell is probably formatted as Text. To fix it:

Select the cell
Choose Format>Cells


Hi Harrison,

Have you checked the number format tab? Is it on text? If so that'
your problem.... [Format] --> Cells --> Number

Rockee Freema


When you select "Ctrl + `" you show the fomulas in the
worksheet instead of the results. By selecting the "Ctrl
+ `" again you will close the formula view and will view
your normal worksheet with the cell results. The ` is the
key above the tab. Hold down the Ctrl key and the ` key
at the same time. Hope this helps.

Harrison Davis


The solution to the worksheet cell returning the formula was the
formula view. Selecting "Ctrl + `" (grave accent) fixed the problem.

I now see this information in the Excel Help File. F1 search on -
Formula | Display or hide formulas | Switch between displaying
formulas and their values on a worksheet.

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