Natasha Laughton
Excel 2002 running on Windows 2000, does not recalculate
those cells that are dependent on other cells that contain
changed values.
10 20 30 0 60 (formula =sum(A1
changed to:
10 20 30 10 60 (formula =sum(A1
pressed enter after changing 0 to 10, but did not
Formula is only recalculated after SAVE or if focus is put
inside formula & press enter.
those cells that are dependent on other cells that contain
changed values.
10 20 30 0 60 (formula =sum(A1

changed to:
10 20 30 10 60 (formula =sum(A1

pressed enter after changing 0 to 10, but did not
Formula is only recalculated after SAVE or if focus is put
inside formula & press enter.