Excel 2002: Can I default font color for every new file created ?



Dear Sir,

I do not have any problem in defaulting font type and font size for every
new file I open. I do it by going to Tool > Option > Font

Howeer when come to defauting the font color, I can default one file at a
time by going to Format > Style. When a new file is opened, it goes by to its
original default font color of black.

May I know is there anyway to default it to blue color throughout for all
new files ?



Ron de Bruin

Hi Mr. Low

You can create a template

Save a workbook with the font color and font size you want as Book.xlt (template)
Copy this file in your xlstart folder.

Where it is: You can find the file in the Excel startup folder
C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

With code you find the path with this line
MsgBox Application.StartupPath

Every new file you open now have the settings of this file


Hello Ron,

The Excel 2002 I am using is installed at a server. It is a share program
use by large number of office staff.

The IT administrator disallow access to the program file. I am not able to
use the method you recommended.

May I know if there are some other ways of defaulting the font color ?

Kind Regards


Ron de Bruin

You can do the same (save the file you changed as a template)
Give it a easy name ("MyTemplate" or so).

And open it if you want a new workbook


Regards Ron de Bruin

Mr. Low said:
Hello Ron,

The Excel 2002 I am using is installed at a server. It is a share program
use by large number of office staff.

The IT administrator disallow access to the program file. I am not able to
use the method you recommended.

May I know if there are some other ways of defaulting the font color ?

Kind Regards



Hello Ron,

I have saved a worksheet called "Book" under C:\Documents and
Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART.

When I launch MS Excel by opening the first file "Book" the default settings
is intact.

However when I click at File > New , the new file " Book 1" does not have
the font color and color template setting I needed. The samething occurs for
any all ither new files open such as "Book 2", "Book 3" and so on.

May I know is there a way to keep the defalt settings of the file "Book" in
other new files open ?



Ron de Bruin

Save it as a template(xlt), not xls


Regards Ron de Bruin

Mr. Low said:
Hello Ron,

I have saved a worksheet called "Book" under C:\Documents and
Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART.

When I launch MS Excel by opening the first file "Book" the default settings
is intact.

However when I click at File > New , the new file " Book 1" does not have
the font color and color template setting I needed. The samething occurs for
any all ither new files open such as "Book 2", "Book 3" and so on.

May I know is there a way to keep the defalt settings of the file "Book" in
other new files open ?




Hello Ron,

I save the file again as Book.xlt, but still facing the same problem as

Is there any method of overcoming this ?



Ron de Bruin

The Excel 2002 I am using is installed at a server. It is a share program
use by large number of office staff.

It will use another XLSTART folder then I think
Ask your IT people


Regards Ron de Bruin

Mr. Low said:
Hello Ron,

I save the file again as Book.xlt, but still facing the same problem as

Is there any method of overcoming this ?



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