Roger McFadden
I am a student at the university of Berne (Switzerland)
As part of my study I have to create a backup utiliy for Windows Mobile 5.
It's only academical and will not be going to public...
I have put a lot of work into it, and it's working quite good now, but I
cannot backup the mails (cemail.vol)-Database.
I'm coding with .NET. I just can't get access to this database, whatever I
am doing, it's just not working...
It's really exasperating, I just can't get a solution...
If anyone could help me, I would be really happy! I would even pay some 100$
(paypal) if anyone can provide me with a code which lets me backing up and
restoring the cemail-database!
Please don't misunderstand, I don't want you to do my homework, it's just a
small part of the whole application which I cannot seem to get working...
I've read a lot of text and postings about this, it seems to be very
difficult, but I know that several companies succeeded in it. Also a little
hint would be very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot
I am a student at the university of Berne (Switzerland)
As part of my study I have to create a backup utiliy for Windows Mobile 5.
It's only academical and will not be going to public...
I have put a lot of work into it, and it's working quite good now, but I
cannot backup the mails (cemail.vol)-Database.
I'm coding with .NET. I just can't get access to this database, whatever I
am doing, it's just not working...
It's really exasperating, I just can't get a solution...
If anyone could help me, I would be really happy! I would even pay some 100$
(paypal) if anyone can provide me with a code which lets me backing up and
restoring the cemail-database!
Please don't misunderstand, I don't want you to do my homework, it's just a
small part of the whole application which I cannot seem to get working...
I've read a lot of text and postings about this, it seems to be very
difficult, but I know that several companies succeeded in it. Also a little
hint would be very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot