Example of Innerclass in vb.net

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hello guys,

I am bit confused with the concept of inner classes....

why do we need them and what are their advantages?

I had a search in google and msn but not very luck to find any detail or
example of its usage

any comment, links, resources will be highly appreciated ...

Innerclasses ??

guess you do not find so much info about it, as this is more used in Java,
for what in VB is called Nested Classes (AFAIK same thingy but different
name )

Visual basic lets you nest Class definitions

Class Outer
class Inner
End class
End class

all normall scope rules arre valid in this cunstruction ( unlike outer
classes a inner class can be marked as private )
Nested classes serve a variety of purposes example : encapsulate data inside
the class that uses them and avoid making them visible to other parts of the
( the inner class should in this situation be marked with private scope )

if other than private the nested class is visible to the outside usin the
dot syntax

dim Obj as new Outer.Inner()

for an object oriented coder inner classes are especially handy for grouping
purposes ( the same as you might do now with namespaces )

so i hope i have shined some light on the subject


Michel Posseth [MCP]