thank you for your time Al Campagna I appreciate it,
sorry for not elaborating my question so far, this is it what i have
i have my mainform frmOrders with a subform [qryOrders subform]
in my subform i have Amount field name
I make a summation for this field Amount under Form Footer
with a control name txtTotal
now how would I write my code to display the result in the mainform?? i
using the one you have given me but no result is being display..
please can you help me again in figuring it out...
thanks again....
You want the "exact" code, but you haven't given us
any information about your form, your subform, or your
totals field in that subform?
I'll use example object names... use your own in your code.
= Forms!MainFormName!SubFormName.Form!SubTotal
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP 2006-2009
"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your
I want to know what is the proper syntax if i am going to display a
summation result to mainform from a subform???
Thank you