Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher dies


Jan 31, 2005
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RIP, whether you like her or not.

Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died at 87 following a stroke, her spokesman has said.

Lord Bell said: "It is with great sadness that Mark and Carol Thatcher announced that their mother Baroness Thatcher died peacefully following a stroke this morning."

Baroness Thatcher was Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 1990.

She was the first woman to hold the post. Her family is expected to make a further statement later.

Baroness Thatcher, born Margaret Roberts, became the Conservative MP for Finchley, north London in 1959, retiring from the Commons in 1992.

Having been education secretary, she successfully challenged former prime minister Edward Heath for her party's leadership in 1975.

She won general elections in 1979, 1983 and 1987.

Baroness Thatcher's government privatised several state-owned industries. She was also in power when the UK went to war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in 1982.
I did not like her UK politics, But she did what she believed in and was fairly honest about it, Also had the guts to get the Falklands back from the Argies against the wishes of the US and was instrumental with Reagan and Gorbachev to end cold war and make the world a safer place. RIP The Iron Lady
Also had the guts to get the Falklands back from the Argies against the wishes of the US and was instrumental with Reagan and Gorbachev to end cold war and make the world a safer place. RIP The Iron Lady
Both good moves in my opinion.
But she did what she believed in and was fairly honest about it, Also had the guts to get the Falklands back from the Argies against the wishes of the US and was instrumental with Reagan and Gorbachev to end cold war and make the world a safer place. RIP The Iron Lady

Aye, that is what I remember from the pages of history. As for internal politics I do not consider myself knowledgeable enough to discuss it, therefore I will leave that for you peeps.