bject: Did SP2 kill my games ??
My current XPcr8 has had no probs with ANY of my game titles, Then along
came SP2. Now none of my MechWarrior, Bioware D&D titles will not run (splash
screen then BSOD or just plain old splashscreen hangup on Icewind Dale ).
Even my low requirement titles like Aliens vrs Predator gold & MechCommander
are now phutzd. BUT I can play D00M3, (even tho my XPcr8 is a AMD duron
1.2ghz, my framerates are equal to what i got when AvPgold worked lol ) Dawn
of War, BlackHawk Down, Starcraft, & IronStorm. I have listed these titles to
point out the various hardware requirements needed to put to rest the concern
of an impotent cr8, after all, if I can handle D00M3, then I should have ZERO
problems running older titles on this cr8.
So I can only conclude that it is SP2 that phutzd me, but it appears that i
am the only person this happened to, I have yet to hear about this elsewhere.
So I had a g33k re-partition my drive and did the re-install/update/patch
dance, including SP1 & SP2 from a 'slipstream' disc I believe he called it.
During this time I purchased a new dell flatscreen ( I 4get the model# ) So
I get everything back and start to install all my games again. Same titles
dont work/ Same titles do work. This morning I swapped my dell monitor with a
buds 17'' futura (Likom D703X) to rule-out the 'auto-adjusting' that the dell
does as the cause of my games hanging up.
( yes i have tried lowering the rez, no change, but this rez was fine b4 SP2 )
They still dont work.
So I humbly ask the community for any insights that I may have overlooked.
need more info..plz say so I have that Everest chumpy for any stats you may
need 4 my cr8
Thanxz 4 the eye-ball time